Friday, 28 September 2012


Yesterday, how much time and energy do we spend wishing things were how they were? Wishing that we could go back, pause time, make it last that little bit longer. But life isn't static, is it?

“It ebbs and it flows and people grow up and move away and graduate and lose their jobs and people that you love die and some people get married and others don't and some get divorced and some get cancer and things aren't how they were... If you need to celebrate how good it was then celebrate, if you need to remember how great it was when they were alive, then remember that. And if you need to grieve, grieve. If you need to apologize or make amends or you need to do something to make peace with how it was then do it, but then move on.”

Take the memories and look forward because honestly there is a certain kind of desperate, despair that sets in when you believe that things were better back then. Because when you’re stuck back there you can never be fully present here, now, today.

We don't have a guarantee about tomorrow and we can’t ever go back, all we have is today. Some of us live in the fantasy that we’ll get around to it tomorrow, that we’ll get around to them tomorrow. The danger is that we will wake up, and it will not be tomorrow, it will be yesterday and we will have missed it, you will have missed them... we will have missed life. Today.

* This was written after watching Nooma, Today by Rob Bell.


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